Priscilla and Poppletonのインスタグラム(prissy_pig) - 12月13日 08時02分

HAPPY BIRTHDAY POP🎉! What a fun party! The birthday boy threw out complimentary Cheerios for everyone to celebrate the grand opening of his food truck business. Then we all celebrated Pop turning seven by pigging out on hamburger cupcakes that I made. Now, it’s all business from here on out. Pop’s Food Truck is officially open! I sure hope he has horse treats. I think Diamond is ready to be his first customer. Wish Pop a Happy Birthday and comment below what you would like. Tonight’s specials are a veggie Poppleburger, a Pink taco, a Penn dog, a Prissy cookie, a Posey cupcake and/or a slice of Pigtail pizza. Everything is vegan of course! We love you Pop and hope this is the beginning of a booming business for you. Pop accepts Cheerios and belly rubs for payment.🚛🌱🐶🐷🍔🌭🌮🍪🧁🍕#happybdaypoppleton #popturns7 #Pigtailthepug #PiggyPenn #PoseyandPink #PrissyandPop


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