シェイナ・テイラーのインスタグラム(shaynateresetaylor) - 12月9日 05時25分

While it may not be glamorous, I love composting my food scraps and tending to my compost pile. One of my 2020 resolutions was to reduce waste and I’m happy to report I really stuck to this one. I receive many messages of those who wish to reduce their food waste, but either aren’t sure how to start composting or don’t have the time or space for a pile. ⁣

I wanted to let you know about a cool resource I’ve found. When I was googling for more tips on my pile (like adding banana peel), I found out that many of our country’s cities have compost collection programs. In Los Angeles, it’s just like recycling— you just separate your compostables and put them in your bin. On your assigned day, they pick it up from your home.⁣

Reducing food waste and regenerating soil are two of the best ways to help reverse climate change… and composting does BOTH! Look up the compost collection program by you, and let me know if your city has one 👇🏼


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




