カタリーナ・ドゥニのインスタグラム(catalinadenis) - 12月8日 18時32分

When i am not teaching, I’m practicing and learning “off the mat” and dehors du tapis... dans la vie, dans ma vie. Yoga is life. Yoga is my life. It’s my choice. The best choice I ever made was to commit to myself, to my growth , to my fulfillment as the best human being I can be. The best choice ever was to accept myself with my contradictions, my monsters, my goods, my bads, my strengths and my weaknesses and my qualities and my defaults... I chose to love myself unconditionally and that choice allows me to love everyone and everything unconditionally... and then.. there’s nothing but freedom!!!! Oh ... the sweetest lightness... the life... the breath... the Light..
Love to all💕💕💕
Beau tapis coordonné avec ma tenue 🤣🤣🤣 sans faute exprès. @holidermie


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