Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 12月8日 01時33分

The few. The proud. The Cheyennes...
I was reading some comments by an idiot follower of us in which she was arguing saying that Lionesses rule the Lion world because they’re the ones that hunt almost everyday. What she failed to realize is that those Lionesses were taken over by a male or by a group of males that defeated the previous ruling male. I showed this Saturday my friend @enriquealejandro that Lionesses are no match for male Lions. It is incredible how people project themselves and think that feminism actually matters in the wild. And almost nobody, men and women, realize that every Lion that runs a Pride had to hunt for himself or with his brothers for 5 or 6 years before claiming a Pride for themselves. In so many words, Lionesses become the property of Lions until another coalition of male Lions takes over and claim them as their property. Oh, and they kill the Cubs to force them to reproduce. This doesn’t sound like females run that show, does it? You know that the Love of my life was and will be Karma, no one comes close to her, but I’m not blind or stupid enough to say that she would run the Pride. ILanga, Luke and Han would be her bosses. It is what it is, only idiots can not realize this. You have seen in countless videos how Cheyenne harasses Lovey Dovey, but you have also seen that when she’s about to get into heat, Lovey becomes a monster and Cheyenne is not even allowed to look at her dad. Literally, not even a glance at me or Lovey would snap. In Raptors, females are bigger than males. Is this an insult to masculinity? Only an idiot would get offended, it is what it is. Please don’t be blind and accept reality as it is. Feminism is a mind affair, not a body affair. Now that men that say that they identify as women have been allowed (Stupidly) to compete in sports against real women have annihilated women in all the cases. Men are stronger and bigger than women. Is this a crime? It is what it is. We are different, why is this so hard to understand? This is why the world is upside down...
#TheCheyennesBJWT #PapaBearChronicles


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