マンディ・パティンキンのインスタグラム(mandypatinkin) - 12月4日 00時52分

@thedinnerparty ‘s work is important AF. Co-founded by our resplendent daughter in love/law @lennonflowers Please join us in supporting this powerful work at thedinnerparty.funraise.org link in bio. From Lennon “Someone recently asked, “Where do you see this going?”

I want us to talk about collective care with the same fervor and frequency with which we talk about self-care. (Among the many teachings of 2020: You cannot solve a problem of loneliness and disconnection with more self-care.)

I want Dinner Parties to be as accessible and familiar as AA meetings.

I want to counteract the suck on our Facebook feeds with spaces intentionally designed to cultivate trust and goodwill and positive points of contact across lines of difference.

I want communities paralyzed by discord and disconnection to have the knowledge and tools to cultivate trust — not because we want people to be nice, but because gridlock and mutual enmity rarely produce real progress, and doing the hard work of ensuring our systems and institutions serve all depends on our being in better relationship with one another.

I want to equip organizations that regularly host empty support groups with better tools and better know-how, and to see those they serve as co-creators, rather than beneficiaries.

I want us to be unafraid to name the elephant, whatever the elephant may be.

Today, I believe more fiercely than ever in the vision we put forward when we launched The Dinner Party:

To realize a day in which people find amidst their deepest struggle the source of their deepest strength by building community with others who’ve been there too; a day in which grief is free of stigma and silence; and in which those who’ve lived through loss or hardship, whatever its form, are recognized not as objects of pity, but as better listeners and better leaders, characterized by profound empathy, resilience, agency, and a commitment to living a life of meaning.

At a moment in which grief has left no one unscathed, it’s time we made it so.”


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



