セロのインスタグラム(cyrilmagic) - 11月7日 17時53分

Today was an exciting day being asked to be a surprise presenter for the new limited edition “Abarth 595 Scorpione Olo” and in our time where social distance is so important, the day event was planned on a big lot of land by the sea. Four large LED screens were placed for everyone to enjoy the day event from the comfort of their own cars while tuning into a specific FM radio channel to hear the audio and music. Lunch boxes were passed out to every Abarth fans who drove from far ends of Japan to be a part of the unveil, which I was asked to come up with. This time around, we were outdoors in challenging conditions not being able to predict weather and wind. We were ready for rain but the overcast actually worked in our favor to make it comfortable for everyone to enjoy the sea breeze and to participate. I’m sharing the car unveil video that my assistant took... I’m sure there will be a better version to share again... it was not a car appearance or have magic in it, but I made up after with two very interactive magic that EVERYONE participated from the comfort of their own cars. Since we could not see the audiences reactions or hear any applauses, we asked the audience to flash their headlights and hung their horns to express their excitements. Wow that turned out great. At the end, we asked everyone to start their engines to spend a moment to close the event by revving their engines. It was a breath taking sight to be on stage and so I’ve shared that too. Today was a great day... and was made great by the people involved in executing their parts. I thank my team... without you guys, I would have not shined. Thank you and Otsukaresama #abarth595scorpioneoro #readytogold #magic #cyrilmagic #cyriltakayama #teamwork


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