セロのインスタグラム(cyrilmagic) - 10月6日 22時33分

#Wow David...Such a compliment is overwhelming!!!! 🙌🙌🙌 It’s been a pleasure knowing you and EVERYONE at @teamhaleofficial I must say... I was in some dark days in the past and you helped me find the light in the end of the tunnel through believing in a better self through regular training and self maintenance. Pushing myself in my fitness also helped me control and understand how to balance and to channel my negative energy out through exercise. Haleo has become an extension of my “Way of Life”. I am the one who should be thanking you for this gift. I am forever grateful.To those who are not familiar with Haleo, I met @davidhalton after the #311sendai earthquake disaster volunteering to help clean the city. I was introduced through @maynardplant and @ブレイズ・プラント from #monkeymajick and I took part of several days bringing a small piece of happiness back to the lives of the people in need most. That is exactly what has happened last weekend at #haleo at the actual gym. Practicing social distance during the show and slowly adjusting to the new norm. Re-igniting my magic after months of silently sitting still. I wish everyone who sees this post to stay safe and strong and happy. To conclude, another thanks and big applause to Haleo for being a company, friend, and role model to all of us. #keepthemagicreal 🔥🔥🔥 #Repost @davidhalton



その時から彼はTEAM HALEOの一員であり、大切な友であり、私を爆笑させてくれる(!)この世で数少ない人物だ。

そしてTEAM HALEOメンバーが皆そうであるように、セロもマジック界のトップにいるだけでなく、その立場を通して自分自身のメッセージを多くの人々に伝える一人である。




セロ、いつも私やTEAM HALEOのためにありがとう。🙏



Just a shout out today to one of the best humans I know, Cyril Takayama.

I first met Cyril right after 3.11 in Sendai, when he was visiting the evacuation centers and performing magic for people.

I noticed immediately the joy he received from putt


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



