村上隆のインスタグラム(takashipom) - 11月4日 09時37分

This year, I had a lot more projects in Japan than usual. Normally, my main arena would be museum exhibitions, and if I have more than two scheduled in a year, I would have my hands full completing new paintings and sculptures that I would take on very little aside of producing my artwork. I would also spend 60 days or so every year in transit on flights. This year, absent all that, my brain has been very active creatively and I came up with a lot of new ideas. It’s also been quite fun working on an amusing and lovely project like this one. Above all, I feel my brain being refreshed. My sincere gratitude to The French Kitchen at Grand Hyatt @グランドハイアット東京 Tokyo, as well as the Mori Art Museum/Mori Building @森美術館 , for this wonderful opportunity. The event goes on until December 23.
photo: @chiaki_kasahara_


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