ジョシュ・ブローリンのインスタグラム(joshbrolin) - 10月30日 23時14分

I was raised on a horse ranch. I grew up in a community where every truck had a gun rack and rifle, and every high school boy had a girl he was sweating over asking to the prom. I grew up listening to the flapping of America flags in yards outside the half open windows of big yellow school buses that took us to our public schools. I grew up with the Cold War and looking up to leather faced, thick fingered farmers who worked tirelessly for a plate full of BBQ for their families.
And my mother loved to have people over and there was never a moment of contested pause for any anomalous type. Everyone was welcome in our home without pause because my family celebrated what America was built on: a potpourri of people from all over the globe and the progressive nature with which its held its core.
And so saturated by this blanket of the scapegoat of today, of our in house you’re bad and I’m good, or vice versa, I refuse to believe this is our best America. I refuse to believe that Donald Trump is our core version of American masculinity. I have friends who are supporters whom I love but, as a whole, not being a major Biden diehard, the America that was great was never based on creating hate and conspiracy in order to win. Donald Trump has lied over 50,000 documented times, but we still are willing to let it go because he speaks to an American demographic that no longer felt masculine. It’s like getting lip injections — it’s not real, but it makes you feel better about yourself until you find out that those chemicals might twist your face into something unrecognizable.
Not all Republicans are a vermillion red and not all Dems are cobalt blue.
And this white American, this very conservative Democrat, wants a president that embraces us all, not just the ones that like him.
I want my potpourri America back that doesn’t stroll by its fellow citizen with a glance of hate in their eyes.
I want that America back that allows us that look like a child beaming up at their favorite teacher at school after receiving a gold star for a job well done. 🇺🇸


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