河瀬直美のインスタグラム(naomi.kawase) - 10月29日 20時46分

True Mothers was selected to enter the Best International Feature Film category of the 93rd American Academy Awards❗️
We broke on through that narrow gate, and were chosen to represent Japan❗️
From among all of the films representing their countries, five will be nominated to receive the award.

As this film paints a light of hope that is sure to come with the morning, regardless of what happens, I am very proud and honored to represent Japan in the Best International Feature Film category at the American Academy Awards.
While filming, the actors played roles as "living beings" right there, engraving the "truth" of real tears and honest smiles from the heart into the film.
Making a film is like having another life for me, and in the light that pours in and wind that blows, I find courage and hope.
Not knowing my own parents, I was taken in by an elderly childless couple, and felt what it was to cherish this life.
In this film that I was destined to meet exists the darkness and light of the world that I have seen.
With everyone's lives threatened by COVID-19, whenever you are mentally exhausted, please feel a good amount of "hope" in the time you meet this film.
I wish for everyone around the world to have the light of that "hope", and for a time to come when we can be just a little friendlier to someone.
Every night turns into morning! I hope you take someone special to one of the theaters around the country to meet True Mothers.

Naomi Kawase, Film Director



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