ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 10月25日 03時37分

Photo by @beverlyjoubert / With the world gripped by so many challenges and difficulties, appeals for action to address the plight of nature risk getting lost in the turbulence of this harrowing time. And yet the biodiversity crisis surrounding us on all sides is at the heart of so much that threatens our world and our continued existence in it. As a species, we are almost entirely responsible for the extinctions our planet has seen in past decades–and evidence keeps mounting that we will see many more unless we radically change course. Just among the world’s mammals, predictions suggest a further 550 species will be lost in this century. Just as we can no longer remain complacent, we also cannot allow ourselves to lose hope. Now is the time for ambition and action to undo this crisis of our own making. #nature #biodiversity #lions #wildlife


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