CNBCのインスタグラム(cnbc) - 10月17日 23時31分

Over the past 10 years alone, college costs have increased by more than 25% and today, some 44 million Americans collectively hold over $1.6 trillion in student debt.⁠

To address such concerns, Democratic nominees former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris have proposed a lengthy education plan that includes an eye-catching proposal: tuition-free public college for all families with incomes below $125,000. ⁠

According to an analysis from Georgetown University, after 11 years the Biden initiative would cost $73 billion per year, but would be completely offset by the associated increase in tax revenue to a whopping $186.8 billion as workers earn more due to their advanced education and training.⁠

“I think it’s worth the money,” says Anthony Carnevale, economist, professor and director of the CEW. “The investment will return within 10 years.”⁠

Details on the findings at the link in bio. (With @CNBCMakeIt)


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