Jackson Harriesのインスタグラム(jackharries) - 10月14日 22時59分

One of the main reasons for creating @earthrise.studio was to create a space to highlight and platform the incredible activists who are on the front lines of the fight for climate action and climate justice.

Over the last few years youth activists from across the world have started to rise up and demand action. Millions have marched in the streets to hold our governments accountable - and its working! Whilst there’s been a huge increase in public awareness, the next crucial decade will require all of us to move beyond fear and doubt, and come together to demand the systemic change we so desperately need.

There are so many more amazing people to highlight, but here are four inspiring youth activists that I’ve personally learnt a lot from. Please follow and support their incredible work.

@israhirsi is a 17 year old American climate activist from Minnesota, who co-founded and served as Executive Director of U.S Climate Strike. Her work explores the intersection of social justice, racial inequality and climate change.

@xiuhtezcatl is an environmental activist and the the youth director of Earth Guardians. Originally from Colorado, Xiutezcatl is a descendant of the Meshika or Aztec people.

@luisaneubauer is a German climate activist who is most recognised for her role in organising the German ‘Fridays for Future’ movement.

@autumn.peltier is a 16-year old clean water activist and member of the wiikwemkoong First Nation in Ontario. Autumn has been advocating for the universal right of clean drinking water since eight years old.

Who inspires you? Leave a comment and tag someone you’d like to see spotlighted in the future.


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