アンジェラ・ペティのインスタグラム(angie_run800m) - 10月13日 09時12分

Content and hungry!
4x 400m with 5 mins recovery between each today. 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️First proper lactic (speed endurance) session in a while.
Having run some pretty speedy Personal Bests and a lot of quick training sessions over my career so far, I find myself comparing my times to when I've been at my peak.
However, I'm learning to enjoy the phase I'm in, although still hungry for faster and more.
Sometimes we all need to remember to be kind to ourselves. I'm so thankful for my career so far and how many dreams I have already achieved, I'm still loving the sport, still running fast and thankful that I can run at all, and not out with injury for too long (have had a few niggles over the last few years but nothing super serious).
I believe I can still go faster yet, but even if my times aren't amazing every session or race to be content with the now but still hungry for more.
Today's 4x 400s off 5 mins recovery weren't crazy fast, and well off what I've done in the past but they were solid, my achilles was fine and I was consistent. We can take something from every training session and race.
Times were 63.09, 62.11, 62.54, 62.79. I think I've averaged just under 60 (or on 60) before in this session but hey, I've come off an injury and not anywhere near peaking yet so I am alright with that and excited for all the sessions ahead!
Also really looking forward to interclub summer track season starting this Saturday!!!
Big thanks to @kelsey_barrett_ and of course @sam_tri_run for the company throughout the session 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🔥


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