詩歩さんのインスタグラム写真 - (詩歩Instagram)「部屋の中に巨大な石!?  これは実は三重県にこの夏OPENした宿「素粋居」の一部屋。   全12室すべて「離れ」で完全に独立してて、全ての部屋に露天温泉つき!♨ しかも部屋の目の前に駐車もできて他のお客さんと会うことがないから、今のご時世にぴったりなお宿です。  12部屋それぞれが「漆」「鉄」「木」「石」などのテーマに沿った個性的なデザインになっていて、私が選んだ部屋は「石砬(せきろう)」。  私昔から「石」をみると落ち着くんですが、共感できる人いませんかね・・・?笑 ”雨垂れ石を穿つ”というけど、石のフォルムって雨や川の流れによって数万年の歴史でゆっくり削られているから、唯一無二の形状なんだよね…歴史好きにはたまらない……  そんな私にとっては落ち着く「石」がリビングの真ん中にドドン!とあるのは大迫力! さらに洗面所やベッド横にも石が配置されています。  公式サイトからはお部屋ごとの予約状況も見れるので、気になる方はぜひCheckしてみてくださいね😊  A giant stone in the room! This is actually one of the rooms at Sosuikyo hotel, an inn that opened this summer in Mie, Japan.  All 12 rooms are completely independent, and all of them have an open-air hot spring! Moreover, you can park right in front of your room so you don't have to meet other guests, making it a perfect place for the current times.   Each of the 12 rooms has a unique design based on a theme such as "lacquer," "iron," "wood," or "stone," and the room I chose was called "Sekirou" (stone). I've always felt comfortable when I see stones, but can anyone else relate to this? LOL! It's called "piercing the dripping stone", but the form of the stone has been slowly chipped away by rain and river currents over tens of thousands of years, so it's a unique shape... a must for history buffs... ... That's the kind of "stone" that soothes me, right in the middle of the living room with a bang! And that's a lot of pressure! In addition, there are stones placed in the washroom and next to the bed.  You can also see the reservation status for each room on the official website 😊.   今回は素粋居さんのご招待で取材しました。 @yunoyama_sosuikyo  🙏旅行を検討中の方へ 政府や自治体が発表している新型コロナウイルスの最新情報を確認しましょう! #withコロナ旅行 での感染対策についてはyoutubeに動画をあげています   📍素粋居(そすいきょ)/三重県菰野町 📍Sosuikyo hotel/Mie Japan #shiho_mie #shiho_hotel    ©Shiho/詩歩」10月10日 15時35分 - shiho_zekkei

詩歩のインスタグラム(shiho_zekkei) - 10月10日 15時35分








A giant stone in the room! This is actually one of the rooms at Sosuikyo hotel, an inn that opened this summer in Mie, Japan.

All 12 rooms are completely independent, and all of them have an open-air hot spring! Moreover, you can park right in front of your room so you don't have to meet other guests, making it a perfect place for the current times. 

Each of the 12 rooms has a unique design based on a theme such as "lacquer," "iron," "wood," or "stone," and the room I chose was called "Sekirou" (stone). I've always felt comfortable when I see stones, but can anyone else relate to this? LOL! It's called "piercing the dripping stone", but the form of the stone has been slowly chipped away by rain and river currents over tens of thousands of years, so it's a unique shape... a must for history buffs... ... That's the kind of "stone" that soothes me, right in the middle of the living room with a bang! And that's a lot of pressure! In addition, there are stones placed in the washroom and next to the bed.

You can also see the reservation status for each room on the official website 😊.


#withコロナ旅行 での感染対策についてはyoutubeに動画をあげています

📍Sosuikyo hotel/Mie Japan
#shiho_mie #shiho_hotel



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