ケイラ・アイトサインズのインスタグラム(kayla_itsines) - 10月10日 05時30分

"How do I find the motivation to work out?"⁣
This is a question that I get asked SO frequently. My answer is this: You don't just FIND motivation to work out, you have to CREATE it. ⁣

Sometimes you might get a wave of motivation that will help you start a new fitness routine, or to set a new goal for yourself. But I don't recommend just waiting around for that wave. The truth is, there are ways to create motivation for YOURSELF, and your health and fitness is in your hands! ⁣

I often talk about the difference between motivation and discipline, and say you can't rely on motivation to keep you in a good routine. You have to be disciplined. But if you're lacking discipline, then you will need motivation to get started! So, how can you create motivation to work out? ⁣

Here are my tips:⁣

✅ Think about what your goals are. Write them down, then create a really specific plan for how you are going to achieve each goal. For example, create a plan for when and where you are going to get your workouts done, then you can schedule your workouts in @SWEAT which can help to hold you accountable.⁣
✅ If you can, create a space in your house where you're going to do your workouts. With #BBGZeroEquipment, you can do all the workouts within the space of your mat, so it doesn't have to be a large space - but it's good to have your own zone for training. When I know WHERE I'm doing my workout, I feel much more motivated to complete it, as it removes that extra decision I have to make!⁣
✅ Find an accountability buddy. Reach out to the #BBGcommunity through social media and find someone who has similar goals to you, then motivate each other to get started (and to keep going!) by sending encouraging messages of support.⁣
✅ Make your workouts fun! When you actually enjoy your workouts, you will be way more motivated to do them. I like blasting my favourite music during mine. You can listen to my playlists in SWEAT as you workout, too. 🙌⁣
✅If you're planning to do your workouts in the morning, have your gym gear ready the night before so you're all good to go! ⁣

#BBGcommunity, share your tips for getting motivated in the comments below!⁣



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