トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 10月4日 17時00分

We often fall foul to those who do not respect, appreciate or deserve our time. Many in this world struggle to find inner peace and happiness and take their frustrations out on those nearest to them which is more often than not their partner. We then make the mistake of accepting unkind treatment and negativity from those we love because we see their struggle and want to support them; but in actual fact allowing their behaviour is only enabling them to continue and in time become even worse. Sometimes the kindest and healthiest thing you can do for somebody who treats you bad and can not find peace from within is to recommend they seek professional help and remove them from your life because they will never be able to love or respect anybody in this world if they cannot first love and respect themselves 🧡 #selfworth #selfhelp #mentalhealth #knowyourworth #personalgrowth


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