トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 9月30日 16時29分

Can we just take a moment to appreciate these words please 🙏🏼 This is something I firmly live by because I believe you should put your heart and soul into every action that you take. Your actions, interactions and work are a direct reflection of you as a person and are what ultimately lay the foundation stone of your reputation for the rest of life - a bad reputation is a heavy burden and unnecessary baggage to carry forever. For this reason I always arrive early for work, well prepared, equipped, well presented and enthusiastic to complete the task at hand. Hard work, determination and consistency ultimately lead to success; anything less will only ever be mediocre. This notion doesn’t just apply to your career but every aspect of life - especially relationships. Friendships speak for themselves; the more true, trust worthy and kind you are the stronger and more valued your friendships will be. Likewise in love, if you have the honour of holding somebody else’s heart then please cherish and respect it forsaking all others - if your heart isn’t it in then leave the relationship instead of mistreating others or cheating. If you can’t give something 100% then don’t even attempt to throw in 1% because if it’s not good enough for your ALL then your half-heartedness doesn’t deserve ANY of the results and rewards #effort #success #allornothing #passion #somethingtoliveby


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