片山正通さんのインスタグラム写真 - (片山正通Instagram)「“ TENET ” を観て来た。ストーリー的には非常にシンプルでわかりやすいものでした( しかし一回観ただけでは完全には理解出来ません。) 。が、多くのレビューでも書いてあるように展開が早く頭がついて行きません。 自分が何かの事件に巻き込まれ、これから訪れる恐怖を楽しんでいるような感覚に陥る映画でした。 ギリギリにチケットを予約したので、IMAXシアターの前から3列目の座席。首を左右上下に振り続けて鑑賞画面全体を観るのが大変と思いきや、意外にもこのストレスが相性が良かったかもです。今の時代を生きているなら必ずこの映画は今観ておいた方が良いと思います。( 出来ればIMAXの大迫力で) 。良い意味でめちゃくちゃ疲れますよ〜。 クリストファー・ノーラン恐るべし。@ 二子玉川109シネマズ  I watched "TENET". The story was very simple and easy to understand (but it's hard to understand just by watching it once). However, as many reviews have written, it was difficult to follow because of its fast-paced story.   It was a movie that made me feel like I was involved in something and was enjoying the horror that was coming.  I booked a ticket at the last minute, so the seats were in the third row from the front of the IMAX theater.  I thought it would be difficult to keep my head from side to side and up and down to see the entire viewing screen, and surprisingly this stress was a good match.  If you are living in this era, you should definitely watch this movie now. (If possible, with the IMAX). You will feel tired in a good way afterward.  Christopher Nolan is amazing.  @ Futakotamagawa 109 Cinemas」9月20日 19時25分 - masamichi_katayama

片山正通のインスタグラム(masamichi_katayama) - 9月20日 19時25分

“ TENET ” を観て来た。ストーリー的には非常にシンプルでわかりやすいものでした( しかし一回観ただけでは完全には理解出来ません。) 。が、多くのレビューでも書いてあるように展開が早く頭がついて行きません。
ギリギリにチケットを予約したので、IMAXシアターの前から3列目の座席。首を左右上下に振り続けて鑑賞画面全体を観るのが大変と思いきや、意外にもこのストレスが相性が良かったかもです。今の時代を生きているなら必ずこの映画は今観ておいた方が良いと思います。( 出来ればIMAXの大迫力で) 。良い意味でめちゃくちゃ疲れますよ〜。
クリストファー・ノーラン恐るべし。@ 二子玉川109シネマズ

I watched "TENET". The story was very simple and easy to understand (but it's hard to understand just by watching it once). However, as many reviews have written, it was difficult to follow because of its fast-paced story.
It was a movie that made me feel like I was involved in something and was enjoying the horror that was coming.
I booked a ticket at the last minute, so the seats were in the third row from the front of the IMAX theater. I thought it would be difficult to keep my head from side to side and up and down to see the entire viewing screen, and surprisingly this stress was a good match. If you are living in this era, you should definitely watch this movie now. (If possible, with the IMAX). You will feel tired in a good way afterward.
Christopher Nolan is amazing. @ Futakotamagawa 109 Cinemas


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