CNBCのインスタグラム(cnbc) - 9月10日 20時01分

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump in six 2020 swing states, as the RNC changed little in the race for the White House, according to a new CNBC/Change Research poll.⁠

Across Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, the former vice president holds a 49% to 45% edge over the Republican incumbent, the survey released Wednesday found. It compares with a 49% to 46% edge Biden held in a poll taken two weeks ago, after the DNC but before the GOP’s nominating events.⁠

Biden holds at least a narrow lead in all six of the states, which will play a major role in determining who wins the White House on Nov. 3.⁠

To see where the race stands in all of those states, and how it has changed from the last survey, visit the link in bio.⁠


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