マンディ・パティンキンのインスタグラム(mandypatinkin) - 9月10日 01時43分

My son asked me some questions about The Princess Bride yesterday. Here are some memories. I hope you can join us this Sunday for the event. It will be captioned and signed. You can donate any amount for a ticket. They are trying to find a way to make it available to fans outside US. To those upset about this event raising money for The Democratic Party Of Wisconson I'm sorry you feel that way. The Princess Bride for me, among many things, is a tale of good, kindness and humanity overcoming greed, ego and tyranny. For me, it could not be more fitting to come together as a cast in support of getting Trumperdink out of office and putting this country on a kinder path closer to it's ideals we so often espouse.
Yes, we can disagree, hopefully civilly, but I'm joining this event in the name of human decency, racial justice, fighting climate change, science and the battle against COVID-19, LGBTQ rights, Refugee support, thoughtful foreign policy, investment in education, respect for military families and 6,288 other equally important reasons. I am sincerely horrified by what I have seen from this administration and deeply hopeful for a new direction. Please be kind to one another. I'm happy to share these memories from my time working on The Princess Bride with all of you, for whatever its worth.


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