ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 9月6日 16時58分

Yesterday’s session wasn’t a planned one but Mia fell asleep and with no other jobs needed to be done and Gorks away I thought why not?! I decided to do some glute activation followed by squats and a circuit. Not all my sessions are pre planned and written out in advance. I do like to keep some kind of routine as it makes it easier for me but even on a random session like this, I still feel Amazing after and so glad I took the time to do it. You never regret a workout!

1. 5 rounds of 10. Banded Hip thrust with abduction. Super set with banded reverse lunge 10 each leg.
2. 4 rounds 10reps back squat (I did 60kg) I don’t like to go too heavy without someone spotting me.
3. 5 rounds of the circuit, 10 cals ski erg, 15 DB squats, 10 burpees.
Followed this with a cool down and stretch. Quick & effective for me 🙋🏼‍♀️
Have a happy Sunday! 😩


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