Monday満ちるのインスタグラム(mondaymichiru) - 8月15日 09時08分

Pre-pandemic I had booked 3 gigs in NY for 2020 — Kitano, which I did the week before everything shut down, the legendary Birdland Jazz Club, and my favorite place to perform perhaps in the world Joe’s Pub. Tonight was supposed to be Joe’s Pub, which had become an annual event where I perform on my birthday month (my birthday is 8/19) followed by a light bash with musicians and friends at my beau’s as a celebration of the performance, my birthday, and just the general good vibes of a NYC late summer night.

I’m trying to be philosophical about it all, but it goes without saying that I lament opportunities lost of connecting with musicians, beloved friends and supporters to keep the art and music a-live. Maybe a year from now it’ll be a different story we are posting on our SM walls, where we have reached the other side. Or perhaps this is an ongoing series in a long sequel of sorts. Whatever the case, we artists are Storytellers and weavers of the world, news, dreams into the fabric that is our truth. Creation will never end, and I believe that our lives are actually being challenged right now to enrich the journey and how we perceive our stories.

Sending you all love ❤️ Stay connected.


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