ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 8月14日 23時39分

Photo by Cristina Mittermeier @Cristina Mittermeier As our ship made its way into an inlet late in the evening, as we were looking for shelter, we were greeted by a colony of Adélie penguins along the soft slope of an iceberg. After hours of diving deep into the frigid black waters off Antarctica in search of silverfish and krill, they shuffled into groups and greeted one another in a chorus of raspy squawks. The survival of these plucky little birds is dependent on the natural rhythm of sea ice as it forms and recedes—a cycle that is now threatened as global temperatures rise. As I watched them gossip among themselves and preen their salty feathers, I worried about their future.

Our @Sealegacy team has worked to establish marine protected areas around Antarctica to reduce the impacts of a drastically shifting climate, giving sea life a chance to recover. The battle against climate change is both a sprint to save our global biodiversity and a marathon to mitigate the effects on future generations. It’s going to take all of us to meet these challenges and save our oceans. Follow me @Cristina Mittermeier for more stories from the ice continent and learn how my team at @SeaLegacy and I are working to protect our global marine ecosystems. On assignment for @ナショナルジオグラフィック with @paulnicklen @Keith Ladzinski @andy_mann and @craigwelch.


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