スミソニアン博物館のインスタグラム(smithsonian) - 8月10日 22時07分

Susan B. Anthony and 14 other women were arrested for voting in an 1872 election in Rochester, New York. Anthony was charged with "wrongfully and unlawfully" voting for a candidate for Congress from the City of Rochester, “being then and there a person of the female sex.” She was convicted and sentenced to pay a $100 fine and court costs, which she never paid.
Some suffragists pursued a legal path to the polls by claiming that the 14th Amendment granted women the right to vote. Hundreds of women nationwide, including Anthony, tried to register and to vote in the decades before the 19th Amendment.
This document—U.S vs. Susan B. Anthony, Indictment for Illegal Voting—is in the @usnatarchives.
@librarycongress, @usnatarchives and @スミソニアン博物館 are bringing you #19SuffrageStories to mark 100 years since the 19th Amendment went into effect. Join us now though August 26 as we count down with 19 stories of women who worked for the vote. #BecauseOfHerStory


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