Promoting Tokyo Culture都庁文化振興部のインスタグラム(tokyoartsandculture) - 7月27日 21時12分

Virtual Museums Tokyo - Vol. 3

Due to a lot of prevention measures in place around the world, @Promoting Tokyo Culture都庁文化振興部 has decided to introduce the city's art museums and exhibits here virtually.

Tokyo Shibuya Koen-dori Gallery’s "field⇔work, Create in everyday life"

5 artists who create unique works and 1 photographer, this exhibition focuses on creative activities stemming from diverse backgrounds. By capturing the daily creative activities of these artists, imagination for interpreting their work can be broadened.

Schedule: June 2 - August 23, 2020, 11:00-19:00, closed on Mondays (except August 10) and August 11.
Location: Tokyo Shibuya Koen-dori Gallery at the Shibuya Worker’s and Welfare Hall.

* Please check the "Notice to Visitors" on their official website for guidelines and procedures if you are planning to visit.

Virtual Museums Tokyo vol.3

-世界的に移動が制限されている中、様々な方に “今” 見てもらいたい東京の美術館、博物館などの展示の模様を、 @Promoting Tokyo Culture都庁文化振興部 からお届けします。-

第三回は東京都渋谷公園通りギャラリー「フィールド⇔ワーク展 日々のアトリエに生きている

場所:東京都渋谷区神南1-19-8 渋谷区立勤労福祉会館 1F

Soon, people will gather and light up the Tokyo streets with their energy once again.
With that in mind, we’d like to introduce the hashtag #tokyotomorrow.
Please post your energetic photos of Tokyo with the #tokyotomorrow hashtag so we can introduce some of them here at @Promoting Tokyo Culture都庁文化振興部.

という思いを込めて、ハッシュタグ #tokyotomorrow を展開しています。
#tokyotomorrow をつけて投稿してください。


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Promoting Tokyo Culture都庁文化振興部を見た方におすすめの有名人