The New Yorkerのインスタグラム(newyorkermag) - 7月22日 21時10分

In 1977, during the final days of the Ford Administration, John Williams began writing music for “Star Wars.” More than 42 years later, in 2019, Williams presided over the final recording session for “The Rise of Skywalker.” "I was not a youngster when I started, and I feel, in retrospect, enormously fortunate to have had the energy to be able to finish it,” Williams says. His music has had an uncanny effect on audiences, stretching across generations—his themes bring listeners back not only to earlier moments in the cycle but to earlier moments in their lives. At the link in our bio, read a profile of the composer, who makes no extravagant claims for his music, even if he allows that some of it could be considered “quite good.”


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