ミーナ・スヴァーリのインスタグラム(menasuvari) - 7月21日 23時29分

In conjunction with my story-post, I am sharing this, as well, in order to showcase how detrimental these images can be.
The photo, here, was captured by a paparazzi and used, solely, to insult and shame, not only me, but everyone.
And I had to suck it up. But no more.
So here’s the story, that was never told:
Years ago, I was invited to spend time down in Baja at a beautiful new beach resort. I was so moved and excited, and it was expressed to me that I would simply have to take some pictures or share that I was there, in some way, as they were comping the trip.
Yet, I had no idea that it was really a set up. There turned out to be paparazzi hiding in places no one ever would have seen, and on this particular day, I happened to be out on a jet ski, with my ex, and we came upon a woman, all alone out in the ocean on her own jet ski. She was stalled there,floating, because she had accidentally dropped her key into the water. Once we found her stranded we headed right back to shore to alert the hotel employees that she was out there. I was running back to my ex to tell him what they said and this photo is the capturing of that moment.
Yet, the image was used to exploit. And for what purpose? To reduce me to an “imperfection” that is extremely common in nature? To cement into young minds that this is “abnormal” in some sense? To communicate that one is only “good enough” if they look a particular way? I recently saw a photo of Katy Perry, pregnant at the beach, but it was taken from behind as she walked into the water. Again, for what purpose?! Do people need to keep seeing that others aren’t “perfect” in order to “feel better”? We are human. We are flawed. Our bodies are NOT PERFECT. And let me tell you, with age it doesn’t get any easier.
We must change our mentality. We must stop thinking and living our lives according to what we think we need to be like. It’s bullshit. I will not hide anymore. This moment, splashed all over the internet for the world to see, put me in such a shameful place within myself. And THAT, to me, is never worth it.
Be who you are. SHINE BRIGHTLY. Let us see your humanness in all it’s glory. Never allow yourself to be reduced. ✨


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