村上隆のインスタグラム(takashipom) - 7月10日 19時24分

is about my painstaking staging of the police forced entry sequence and the reporting on the actual filming. For each scene, I had the exact image in my head of how it should look. We would go location hunting and visit many potential sites before settling on a one, and on the day of the filming, we mobilized as a huge team. Each time, however, we would encounter various troubles such as unexpected weather or a breakdown of a rented car, and we would have to circumvent them in order to achieve the desirable picture. The entire process required such perseverance. When I managed to film a complicated scene, hiring and coordinating a large number of people, I became ecstatic with euphoria, feeling simultaneously the elation of organizing a festival and the nervousness about the huge budget draining out tearing at my heart. This would pushed me into the state of oblivion and before I realized, I had poured an enormous budget into the project.

Since I posted Episode 1, a number of media outlets have written articles focusing on my potential bankruptcy. But the truth is that since I have founded my company 20 or so years ago, it has never once had an easy time financially. This is because whenever I have any profit whatsoever, I always inject that money into a new project in order to spread my energy and the possibilities of creative expressions as far and wide as possible. So while I wouldn’t say it’s business as usual, this dire situation is nothing entirely new, either.
I am making this documentary series by way of properly expressing my apologies to the countless people who have participated in the production of my film and, as such, I wanted to frankly and truthfully express everything I felt. That is why I went ahead and used the word “bankruptcy” in the episode, which probably didn’t need to be discussed in something I post publicly.
On the other hand, thanks to this incident, people now have a better understanding of how seriously I engage in creating my art, so perhaps that was the unexpected benefit for me. Or maybe that’s just sour grapes, because my name now seems to be inextricably associated with the word bankruptcy. Ha ha.


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