Natasha Yiのインスタグラム(natashayi) - 7月9日 21時55分

Let’s talk about names! Are you happy with your first name❓ Why or why not❓ 💁🏻‍♀️ Is there anyone on here that has a really cool name❓ Or a horrible name❓ Does your name have a special meaning❓ If you don’t like your name, what would you change it to❓

...To be honest, I feel bad for women named Karen right now because it’s associated w being a bad person. ☹️ Do you know anyone named Karen❓ Has this new term affected them❓ Personally, I know 2 women named Karen and they are both the nicest people ever. 🥺

...And thanks again to my friends over at @dollskill for my new favorite Hello Kitty shirt & clear boots! 👚👢


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