Natasha Yiのインスタグラム(natashayi) - 5月27日 04時13分

I’m not sure if you’ve seen the video of the New York woman who refused to wear a mask at the supermarket. 🛒 She was met by an angry mob that shouted at her until she left the store. Do you think the group went too far❓ Or do you think their visceral reaction was understanding given what New York has gone through❓ Many people are upset to see large gatherings of people without masks or social distancing. 😷 Does it make you angry❓ 😤 Or do you stand with the people that are choosing not to wear them❓💁🏻‍♀️ I do have personal opinions. But I always keep an open mind. I try to really listen to what others are trying to share so please share your thoughts now 🤗 ...btw what city and/or state do you live in❓ And what are you seeing in your area❓💁🏻‍♀️


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