ジェームズ・ガンのインスタグラム(jamesgunn) - 7月6日 02時20分

I posted this fact on my story and got hundreds of people asking me how? The application team was mostly the same@on both films, so it wasn’t that. The company that did the work on Vol 2, Legacy, created a sort of Drax “shirt” for his arms and upper body. In addition to being quicker it was much better - although the aesthetic design was cool from the beginning, the separate pieces in the first film would swell with Dave’s sweat and start to crinkle so that his whole body looked like a Sharpei. This required a lot of CG help and cleanup we didn’t need in Vol 2. In the second film the shirt is so incredibly thin and form fitting we actually see way more of Dave’s body and muscles. Another fun fact: a cool scene I cut from the first film shows that Drax’s tattoos are not about his conquests, but about the memories he has with his family: his mother and father in his childhood, his marriage to his wife, his daughter being born. These things are all in the specific design of the tattoos/scarification. #gotg #marvel #guardiansofthegalaxy

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