ソフィア・ブッシュのインスタグラム(sophiabush) - 6月28日 03時23分

[PART TWO] • This is especially important in times of protest. If we are going to hit the streets we have to be VIGILANT. I’m borrowing Auntie Elaine’s words again because she nailed it! “We have too much work to do and we need you healthy in order to focus on fighting against the sickness of racism that has been polluting our families, our communities, our systems, and our world long before Covid-19 was on our radar,” she said.

My protest pod and I are beyond grateful to be in Los Angeles right now, where we have had free testing available to ALL residents since April 30, 2020 — Thanks to @mayorofla and the LA County Health Dept for leading the charge on that! — because we’ve been able to hit the streets (including right out front of the Mayor’s house) AND get tested. We’ve been vigilant about masks, distancing as much as possible, and we’ve self-quarantined after marches until tests have confirmed we’re all still negative. If you needed any more proof that masks work!? We’re it, babes!

Please y’all, get tested. Since the federal government has failed to implement rapid testing or contact tracing — which is what’s working in other countries, like New Zealand — it’s on all of us to do our parts! In LA, you can get tested at drive through sites around the city (appointment link in stories), and a number of pharmacies, doctor’s offices, and clinics around the city. Check out @COREResponse or LAcity.org to find a testing site near you. The tests are quick — mine took two minutes! — FREE and you get the results in a few days. You do not need insurance or an ID to get a free test!

Pass it on. Take your pod. And please get tested regularly if you are hitting those streets regularly! Love, and protect, yourself and your community. ♥️🔬 #COVID19 #ScienceMatters #MaskingForAFriend #TrustTheExperts #TheCOVIDTrackingProject


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Danielle Sharpのインスタグラム
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