トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 6月24日 16時36分

People are far quicker to put you down than be pleased for you - it’s sad but true in this modern world we live in. Pride, jealousy, greed, anger, call it what you want but the majority of people will see your happiness and successes and feel instantly threatened by you; so they respond with negativity towards you to try to pull you down to their level. Never give part time people a full time position in your life, know your value and don’t settle for anything less than you deserve. The sooner you remove the people who hurt you and hold you back in life the brighter, easier, happier and more successful your life will be. If somebody or something doesn’t make you happy then actively remove yourself from that situation and take a step forward towards the life, love and respect that you truly deserve 🙏🏼 #selfworth #selflove #selfactualization #selfesteem #selfacceptance


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