ミリー・マッキントッシュのインスタグラム(milliemackintosh) - 6月22日 15時59分

Let's talk about breastfeeding – I found it really tough at the beginning. Although Sienna now latches on easily and is a good eater, it definitely didn't start that way. The first few days I had blistered, cracked nipples and the pain was so intense, I really didn’t know how I was going to carry on.

I spent hours online trying to find the best ‘professional' advice on anything that would make the pain and dread stop, as I so desperately wanted to continue to breastfeed my baby girl. I found myself totally overwhelmed with all the conflicting advice which only made my anxiety worse.

I had a look on the @peanut app and discovered that they had a group especially for breastfeeding. The women were so kind and encouraged me to trust my own instincts and do what feels right for me. There really is no other advice that compares to other mums who have been in exactly the same situation because they have a wealth of knowledge and suggestions.

I found so many great tips about feeding from one or both boobs for each feed, the best time of day to pump, which supplements help regulate your flow, what foods to eat or avoid, how to use nipple shields, different feeding routines and schedules etc. The support and advice I have received from the women on @peanut has been invaluable and made me feel less alone (I know I’m not but breastfeeding can convince you otherwise!)

I’ve also found my appetite is sky high.. so like her, when I'm feeding, I also need feeding! I end up eating most of my meals cold and with one hand, which has resulted in me spilling food on her on numerous occasions!
Despite the blood, sweat, tears, and feeling like I’m leaking milk through countless outfits…it’s all worth it when I look down and see Sienna's tiny hand wrapped around my finger, watching her grow stronger every day. My heart melts when she gives the gift of a little smile. Motherhood really is a journey, and that's why sharing stories & tips is so important. I encourage any mothers, expectant mothers and those trying to conceive to join the app. It's the support system we all need. #peanutapp #ad


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