パク・ジュンヒョンのインスタグラム(godjp) - 6月22日 04時22分

요오우~ 오눌이 사실 오피셜 여름첫날이니깐 가죨쓰하기전 여름사진 한컷 올릴깨 매애앤~ 1990 6월 23일하고 7월1일 여름쓰 21살돼기 한 3주전... 월래 여름앤 햇빛으로 비타민 D를받아야돼는대...이때는 비타민 Z 까지받앗나봐 차암나~ 다들 굿밤쓰~ 빼애앰!
Yo~ one more post b4 hittin the sack~ Since it's Father's Day aaand officially the 1st Day of Summer had to put up a Summer pic... Summer of 1990 June 23rd and July 1st I believe, about 3 weeks before my 21st B day~ In the Group shot just look for my Teeth.. Vitamin D OVERLOAD.... nah skipped D went straight to Vitamin Z... LOL! Hava Gnite everyone on this side of the pacific and for those all around the world hava Great day with ur pops and family and stay SAFE! BBBAAAMMM!!!
#지오디 #fangod #박준형 #JoonPark #ParkJoonHyung #HappyFathersDay #HappyFirstDayOfSummer #HighTopFade
#뱀파이어보다더햇빛을못본거같해매애앤얼굴피부이러캐푸석푸석쓰한거처음차암나근냥머리랑몸애다곰팽쓰농장이나키워야개쓰차암나빼애앰 #UsuallyAroundThisTimeOfYearIshouldBeOutandAboutGettinSomeVitaminDsurfingOrJustBeinOutsidePeriodButwithThisStinkinPandemicHaventSeenTheSunForever #IthinkImworseThanaVampireRightNowAndamGettinVitaminDdeficient #SkinsAllPastyAndIThinkImGrowinMoldonMySkinMightAsWellJustStartaMoldMildewFarmInMyFro
#NeedVitaminD #Summer #HurryAndGetWeakAndFadeAwayPandemicSoWeCanAllGetAlongWithOurLivesAndIcanGetRidOfTheMildewFarmShiish #OlayImmaShaddapAndPassOutNowNightyNite
#ShakaBraddahs #BlueHawaiiSurf #BooYaTribe #GlennMedeirosYeahYeahIknowButHeHadGoodSongs #SeoulKorea #Kpop


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




