パク・ジュンヒョンのインスタグラム(godjp) - 6月12日 19時06分

초코야... 니가 15년 함깨살면서 내가 호강두못시켜주구 특별희잘해준것두없구 따른집들처럼 좋운고기같은것도 많이못주고...너처럼착하구 순한강아지라서 앞어도 한번도 낑낑거리지안쿠...그래서 내마음이너무너무나도너무나도 내가 마음애걸리구 너무미안하다 쓸쓸하다...쫌전 니가 하늘나라로갓는댇도 그옆애못있어줘서 더욱더 마음이앞으다 이형이는..ㅠㅠ 인재 잎음도없구 너의이뿐눈으로 다맑개보이는 더좋운곳애서 하느님옆애서 천사가돼여 편희숴라~ 진심으루 미안하구 너무나두 보구싶을꺼야...초코야 살랑해~ God Bless You~
Choco... you have lived with us for 15 years thru thick and thin and it pains me to no end that I wish I could have given you better things... shown you better things... and treated you better and given better food more treats more love etc etc... there are so many things that I wish I could have done more for you... u were the sweetest, nicest dog any family could have ever wished for... never even yiped once even if u were in pain... and lived most of your life seeing thru only one eye and never ever showed discomfort... and til your last days when you couldnt see or hear at all still charged like a soldier... I am so thankful for your years of presence thru out the years and being a part of our family and I can't say in words the feelings I have right now... and I am sorry that I couldnt be next to u to see u off to heaven... now u are in a better place where you have no more pain and can see clearly with both eyes to see all the beauties of heaven... may you rest in peace as one of the sweetest puppy angels next to God~ you will be missed and I Love You Choco~
#사랑해 #하느님옆애서재일아름다운강아지찬사우리초코 #하느님내가갈때까지우리초코잘돌봐주세요말진쨔잘듣구낑소리한번도안하고진쨔로이새상애서재일착한녀석이예요잘부탁헤요
#shihtzu #MyCutePuppy #CutestPuppy #NicestPuppy #MyAngel #GodBlessYou


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




