マッティ・ロジャーズのインスタグラム(mattierogersoly) - 6月18日 04時40分

I always get asked to “show us lighter sets” SO HERE YOU GO. Taking this week as an extra light week & the next couple to ease into some volume work. Letting my body do body things and catch up on some healing now that we have some sort of game plan moving forward so we can turn things back on full force in a few weeks fully rested, recovered & ready for the rest of the year. We didn’t alter my training at all really this entire first half of the year (with the exception of stress level 5000 trying to not alter it figure out how to train at home). We had to stay ready “just in case”. We didn’t know when/where/if I’d have to compete again for Olympic (RE)qualification, but now we have some sort of idea if the planets align and everything opens back up. It just so happens to be the same week I get married in Iceland, so I guess bring on the gym suggestions there since I won’t be taking that week off 🙄 (I’m JUST A BIT BITTER). Lots of ifs still, but better than absolutely no clue. I’ll take what I can get at this point!

@roguefitness @catalystathletics @aimees2cents


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