マッティ・ロジャーズのインスタグラム(mattierogersoly) - 6月15日 03時19分

In case anyone needs to feel good about themselves today, here’s me in my very humble beginnings. Weighing all of 123lbs at 5’7” and yes..... wearing gloves (kms). I did a few meets in high school before I made my way to actual Olympic lifting maybe a year(?) later. The second video was probably a few months or so into regular Olympic lifting and a huge PR at the time (lol).-
I wouldn’t call myself naturally talented or even built for this sport, but fuck I’ve worked hard to get here. And still do every single day. I would bet I’m one of the LEAST naturally talented lifters at this level, but definitely one of the hardest working. I’m an ATHLETE & that makes me able to adapt, learn & WORK. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by how much further you have to go, but constant, relentless effort at your craft will at least get you SOMEWHERE. And so does pretending that you’re 7” shorter and actually made to be a strong motherfucker... that gets me through the days.

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