ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 6月15日 05時01分

When pregnant I decided id do whatever I could to be my strongest, healthiest, happiest self for Mia. Mentally, physically & emotionally. I didn’t set a time to feel that way by because I’m talking about my lifestyle choices, there’s no end result, it’s how I choose to live. I train for my health & to keep my heart strong. Those with my book know it’s from my dad dying young from heart disease that made me realise life is short! We need to help our mind, hearts & bodies function as best they can. Mentally after Mia I struggled a little with how she arrived. Now though, I’ve processed it, dealt with it, released it and I mentally feel strong again. Ready for anything thrown at me! My body has healed and I’m physically strong again too! Our bodies are remarkable, all they want to do is heal, but we HAVE to help them! I’m not talking about a magic pill / drink or jab to make you slim 🙄 fuck that! I’m talking about tasty, nutritious, healthy foods (with the occasional pizza, chocolate & Gin of course) 🙋🏼‍♀️ I’m talking about exercise & stimulation be it at home, outside, in the gym when we can. A walk with friends, dancing in your living room, stretching, reading a book, a monthly massage or even just 5 mins alone with your eyes shut thinking about nothing. All of these things make the difference. I don’t have a lot of free time, most parent’s & people in general don’t because life is busy. When I do, I do something productive for myself. Physically I feel great! I focus on the weights I lift, not the weight I lose because I’m more than a number on a scale. Is the skin on my belly a little looser? Yup. I grew a baby. Are my boobs a little lower? Yup. I fed my baby. Few extra stretch marks? Yup! But I’m sorry Mia, you can’t claim all of those because they were there before you arrived anyway. Be consistent, be kind to yourself, be your biggest cheerleader because if you don’t believe in yourself it means nothing anyway. Do your best with what you have and take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live ❤️


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