ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 6月11日 21時24分

Today was lower body! Below is my warmup, full session, and post workout video. Gorka has been doing my sessions for me in Lockdown. I’m good at training doing my own thing but I do push myself harder when I have a plan to follow from someone else, esp Gorka as I love proving to him I can do it 😂
Obviously, everyone is different and some people prefer to stretch only before a workout so do what you feel comfortable with. This warmup for me elevates my heart rate, activates my glutes & core and loosens my quads. I used a 16kg kettle bell as it’s lighter than what I use to “work” but again, start at the weight that’s right for you.
The warmup was
10 cal bike
5 walk outs
5 goblet squats
3 rounds 👍🏼


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