リー・シェンロンのインスタグラム(leehsienloong) - 6月13日 14時58分

Our people’s spirit of fortitude in the face of the COVID-19 crises is captured movingly in this series of @gov.sg videos.
Many Singaporeans have had to take up new jobs, transform their businesses, and adapt to the new normal. Amidst these personal changes, they have shown empathy and extended a helping hand to others. This solidarity and perseverance in times of adversity defines our Singapore spirit.
COVID-19 is this generation’s crisis. It is upon us to prove our mettle, and carry on our forebears’ spirit of resilience as we overcome the odds ahead. The government has implemented support schemes and packages, and will make every effort to ensure that no one gets left behind. One day we’ll look back and see how far we have come, and how much stronger we have become as one Singapore. – LHL


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