ベサニー・ジョイ・レンツのインスタグラム(joylenz) - 6月11日 23時13分

“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist” - The Usual Suspects (1995)

There are still too many people who believe racism is not a problem in our nation. This has to change. We cannot sit idly by as racism continues to permeate society. Every white human being must take responsibility for our own part in this and hold ourselves accountable. Today, #ITakeResponsibility to help turn the tide of systemic racism. I pledge to​ ​protest in every way I can. I pledge to learn more. I pledge to have uncomfortable conversations. I pledge to admit when I’m wrong. I pledge to call out and work with our school until the Faculty are diversified with a true balance of white, black and brown Educators. And I pledge to donate to The Gathering For Justice​, founded by Harry Belafonte, the Gathering for Justice’s mission is to build grass roots movements to eliminate the racial inequities that permeate the justice system. ⚖️ ⚖️ ⚖️
What pledge will you take? •
I love being wrong.
I mean, I hate it in the moment and my pride balks but when I realize I’ve been seeing things from the wrong angle, I love readjusting. Because then I’m learning what is right! Admitting you’ve been wrong only makes you stronger, more brave and more loving. You can have grace and patience with others who are still currently living with bad-information beliefs because you remember how YOU used to be the same way! This gives you empathy.
And empathy is key 🔑 to helping change someone’s heart. No one’s heart changes from being yelled at or demanded from. Behavior, maybe. But hearts? No. We need love to make deep changes. We are a community. We need to be changed and help others change. RIGHT NOW is a critical moment for it.
Be a part of the change. Take responsibility for your role. Clean the slate in your heart 🤍

@NAACP@itakeresponsibility #ITakeResponsibility #therepentanceproject
#BlackLivesMatter ITakeResponsibility.org #BLM


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



