ヒラリー・クリントンのインスタグラム(hillaryclinton) - 6月11日 03時12分

Hello Everyone!
I'm taking over @ヒラリー・クリントン's account today for #sharethemicnow ! So who am I anyway?
I am Zerlina.
In 2008, I worked as a field organizer for President Obama's campaign in the state of Virginia. In between 2008 and 2016 I built a career in media first writing for the feminist blog Feministing and then a number of other mainstream publications. In 2016, I worked for Hillary Clinton’s campaign as the Director of Progressive Media.
In between these two presidential elections, I made a name for myself in the media and got a law degree that I have never used, but still pay for every month. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I’ll share some of the crazy cool things I’ve done over the years in stories all day as well as the important advocacy work that is my true PURPOSE of working to end rape culture and victim blaming.
Today, I work for @SiriusXM Radio as a host on @signalboostshow with my partner in feminism @jess_mc which (airs weekdays from 7-9am on @sxmprogress ch. 127.
I’m also as a political analyst for @msnbc and have a new book coming out next month called The End Of White Politics.
Ok. That’s enough about my fiftyleven jobs and as you know all of us are so much more than our job titles, especially these days! So I also wanted to let you know that I am a Black woman, I am a feminist, I am a womanist, I am a big sister, I am an athlete, I am an advocate, and I am a survivor. At this moment in time it should be clear to everyone that our traditional leadership models are not working so well (reminder: we are still very much in a global pandemic) and the #blacklivesmatter movement has captivated the entire world in an effort to dismantle white supremacy and allow black people to finally be fully free. I wanted to participate in #sharethemicnow to be able to show all of the little humans out there that they are valuable and powerful no matter what anyone says. Hillary was so right about that! I’m here to show the little black girls with giant Afros that they can work in politics and in news and be exactly who they authentically are. And who they are is phenomenal. ✊🏾


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