ヘイリー・ハッセルホフのインスタグラム(hhasselhoff) - 6月9日 23時32分

United we can make a stand. Use your voice and protest peacefully.

Thank you for taking a stand, thank you for supporting each other and being by one another’s side.

It’s taking me time to process and understand where our world is today dealing with a global crisis and a racial pandemic.

What I can say is that I vow to continue to learn, listen and never let the conversation stop. I vow to bring awareness to black communities and make a conscious decision with the brands that I support moving forward.

As my original content starts to flood back into my page, my intention and heart is still in the same place.

This space is used for you to be heard and will continue to push for equality for all. ‘I understand that I’ll never understand. However, I stand.’ video by @yakooza #blacklivesmatter


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