クリスティ・ルーカジアックのインスタグラム(christilukasiak) - 6月7日 04時20分

Looking back at the events of the last week and trying hard to do better. 💜⁠⠀
By no means, I don't think this fight is over. In fact, I think it's only just beginning. ⁠⠀
This week, I took the time to started educating myself so I will never use "I don't want to say the wrong thing" as an excuse ever again. ⠀

If I say the wrong thing, correct me. I promise I’ll do better the next time. I'm willing to learn.⁠⠀

I also took time to reflect on things that I may have said in the past that caused pain or hurt, whether it was intentional or not does not lessen the blow. ⠀
I promise I’ll do better the next time. I'm willing to learn.⁠⠀
I hope you feel the same. ⁠⠀
And as social media begins to have more well-lit, curated photographs and less black boxes, please remember the feelings of this week. ⁠⠀
Continue to demand justice. ⁠⠀
Continue to share valuable information. ⁠⠀
Continue to take a stand. ⁠⠀

Because I would really love to tell my grandchildren “I remember when a change began” instead of “Oh, it happened again...” ⠀


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