クリスティ・ルーカジアックのインスタグラム(christilukasiak) - 6月1日 07時00分

It's time for all of us to take a stand. #blacklivesmatter⁠

I cannot look at this photo without tearing up. These girls are about the same age as Chloe. They could be my daughters. They aren't, but their lives matter JUST as much as Chloe and Clara's. ⁠

I NEVER get political on social media. I have made a point to be extremely neutral on my positions because I don't want to offend or alienate anyone.⁠

Shame on me.⁠

I have a platform and a voice and if I am not using it to stand for something, I am contributing to the problem. What is happening in our country is shameful. I read the news and cannot believe these are stories from 2020. How are we moving backwards???⁠

George Floyd's MURDER is an insane tragedy that has brought racial inequality to the forefront, but it's certainly not an isolated incident. ⁠

There have been COUNTLESS others before him. How many more do there need to be before we join together and demand ENOUGH? ⁠

As a mother, I worry every time my children leave the house. But, as a white mother of two white daughters, I will NEVER fully understand the worry a black mother feels every time her children the house leave simply because of the color of their skin. And my heart breaks for her because NO ONE should live with that fear, especially a citizen of a country supposedly built on equality.⁠

I feel nothing I can do is "enough." I'm one person. But if I take a stand and you take a stand and your neighbor takes a stand, we can collectively stand together and FINALLY put an end to institutionalized racism. EVERY VOICE COUNTS. ⁠

I am hopeful. ⁠

Please see the link in my bio for resources. ⁠
Photo credit to #namyhuh


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