コーラル アンド タスクのインスタグラム(coralandtusk) - 6月6日 05時48分

We stand against systemic racism and police brutality. Black lives matter. As a small business and as individuals, we are taking the time to have difficult conversations and educate ourselves in order to work towards implementing long term, concrete change within our own business and communities. We are committing to donating $12,000 over the next eight weeks to organizations who support and fight for Black lives. We are extending additional paid time-off to our employees who are taking time to support the movement by volunteering, contacting their representatives, and using their first amendment right to protest. We’ve included a list of organizations that we are donating to individually along with resources on our blog, link in bio. We encourage you to donate and use your voice. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, David McAtee and countless others should still be alive today.


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