ジェイミー・キングのインスタグラム(jaime_king) - 6月4日 15時32分

Hey it’s @krystinaarielle again. Let’s talk about racial trauma. For some now is the first time you are paying attention to stories of racial violence. The stories are not new. When someone confides in you about the racism they experience it isn’t an attack. It’s a trust. That person is trusting you to be a safe place to confide in. To have that met with being dismissed or doubted is painful and breeds mistrust. If your friend trusts you enough to share their experiences, listen. Remove your feelings and ego from the equation and raise your empathy. Racism is not only something that lingers, it’s dehumanizing. To know that someone sees you as less than, and can treat you as inferior, leaves a scar. To share with hopes of comfort, only to be met with “what did you do.” “Well maybe they meant well” is jarring. The fact that it takes seeing the life leave a man’s eyes for people to finally realize the trauma of racism is hurtful. Our experiences are different based on our skin color. We walk through life as we were created only to be treated as a threat. Our people are shot and then placed on trial. Their past picked apart to find any reason to say “they deserved it.” It’s almost too much for a person to bear. Don’t let it take a massive traumatic event for you to care. If your black friends Confide in you... listen. Hear us. The weight is heavy. It’s even heavier carrying it by yourself.
I want to thank @ジェイミー・キング for sharing her space with me and you all for listening to me. Research, listen, learn, and being the process of self examination that can lead to true and lasting change and a better, more equal world. - @krystinaarielle


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