サマンサ・ペスゼックのインスタグラム(samanthapeszek) - 6月1日 10時45分

My heart has been heavy this 2020. From the Australian fires to Kobe’s death to Coronavirus to the Olympic being postponed to the riots to most importantly, the unnecessary and horrific deaths including the latest, George Floyd.

It feels as though everyone is losing their mind. To think that someone could “accidentally” take the life of another when George was screaming for help leaves me sick to my stomach. I’ve been lost for words because I didn’t want to say the WRONG thing. I’ve been reading captions and posts and everyone seems damned if they do, damned if they don’t, so its all the more reason for me to be honest with my feelings and encourage my followers to do the same. I’ve felt the effects of ageism and sexism, but never racism, so at times it didn’t feel like my voice had a role in the subject, since I don’t have that experience firsthand.

I’ve learned that it does matter and that the most important thing I can do is to become as educated as possible. We’re at the age that we CAN make a difference. While the nauseatingly terrible death of George makes me enraged, what I do know is that avenging violence with violence is not the answer. We need to be role models to the next generation, and as a role models, we should be teaching kindness and love no matter what race, religion, or gender a person is. I do believe the words of MLK, “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” So, it’s now a challenge for all of us to do our part to makes this world a better place... we can do better.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



